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What the Dino Saw

Photos, videos and models were obtained at

Canberra’s National Dinosaur Museum.



Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.


What does its name mean? – Covered lizard

What did they eat? – The stegosaurus was a plant eater.

When did they live? – Stegosaurus lived around 150 to 155 million years ago.

How big were they? – The stegosaurus could be up to 9m long and 4m high.

How did they protect themselves? – Look at the photo below. The stegosaurus would wave their tail spikes to warn attackers. The plates on their back most likely helped them warm up or cool down and could also have been used to protect them.

Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.

What did their skeleton look like? – Inside the museum, you can see a skeleton of a stegosaurus. You can see how small its head was.

Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.

How big was its brain? – Despite its large size, its brain was only about the size of a dog’s brain.


Here is the Wikipedia link with more information about stegosaurus
