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What the Dino Saw

Photos, videos and models were obtained at

Canberra’s National Dinosaur Museum.


Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.


What does its name mean? – Three horn face

What did they eat? – The triceratops was a plant eater.

When did they live? – Triceratops lived around 68 to 66 million years ago.

How big were they? – The triceratops could be up to 9m long and 3m high.

How did they protect themselves? – The three horns on their heads were probably used to protect them but they may also have been used to attract a mate.

Were there more types of ceratops? – Over time, there had been many types of ceratops although the triceratops is the most famous. The photo below shows the skull of a centrosaurus apertus, another ceratops type.


Schools and students have permission to use this graphic for non-commercial, educational purposes.


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