From Wednesday, May 9, 2012 until Sunday, May 13, 2012, the HMB Endeavour was in Snug Cove, Twofold Bay, Eden, N.S.W. Australia and open for public viewing before its departure on Monday, May14 in the final leg of its circumnavigation of the world. Its journey is planned to end at Sydney on May 21, 2012.
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During its time at anchor, many schools visited and toured the ship and left with lasting impressions of how it might have been on board the then Lieutenant James Cook’s ship, Endeavour in his first voyage from 1769 to 1771. It was during this voyage, James Cook became the first to map the east coast of Australia. Below is a slideshow of the visit.
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A class in U.S.A. had set a task. Write a letter from someone in history and add it as a comment to the class blog. As a regular commenter on this blog and with the Endeavour being topical, I sent a letter “from” James Cook hypothetically sent after his return to England after his first Endeavour voyage to the Pacific (1771). Below is a link if you wish to view the letter.
Cdr James Cook,1771: A letter to the future
After catering for hundreds of visitors, HMB Endeavour departed Sung Cove in order to travel its final leg to Sydney. Below is a video of its departure on Monday, May 14, 2012.
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A Tour of Endeavour – May 9, 2012
The fore mast (front), main mast and mizzen mast.
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Ship rigging.
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Foredeck, forecastle or fo’c’sle.
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Crew toilet on the foredeck. Officers had more privacy.
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Stairs from mess deck to main deck.
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Mess deck oven.
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Mess deck.
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Mess deck becomes crew sleeping area when hammocks rigged.
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Marine sleeping quarters between officers and crew.
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Midshipman, mates and officers have quarters under the quarter deck (back) of the ship.
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Joseph Banks’s cabin.
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James Cook’s cabin.
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The next two photos are of the Great Cabin. Normally the private quarters of the captain, on Cook’s voyage he shared with scientists.
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Back on deck…
The quarter deck (back of ship’s deck).
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The quarter deck is where the ship’s navigation takes place.
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pics Ross! Interesting read! Thanks.
Thanks for the comment.
The Endeavour’s visit to Eden was a rare opportunity to capture a little replica history. 🙂